Following the lead of the hit TV show “American Idol,” Ben Franklin Technology Partners will stage a panel-judged competition for investment cash in “Ben Franklin Venture Idol” on Nov. 13 at Lehigh University in Bethlehem.
Three early-stage tech company entrepreneurs, Third Eye Diagnostics, SPINACT, LLC, and XiGo Nanotools, will present short pitches to a panel of investors and a live audience. The investors will ask questions, the audience will vote, and the winning startup will get a $5,000 investment.
Fred Beste, Managing Partner of Mid-Atlantic Venture Funds will host the competition, and there will be short presentations by other venture capitalists before the “Venture Idol” competition begins.
Tickets to the event are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. To reserve a place, download the registration form or or send contact information and a check payable to Ben Franklin Technology Partners, 125 Goodman Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
Source: Ben Franklin Technology Partners
Writer: John Davidson
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