surface and air warfare centers over the next several years.
The independent, non-profit, applied scientific research
and development organization, which provides management and tech-based solutions for the Defense Department and other federal agencies, has signed two new contracts with the Navy that have a potential
total value over the next five years of $246 million.
A $10-million contract with the Naval Air Warfare Center Systems Division directs CTC to create a simulator to train naval personnel who operate the mine counter-measure mission kit that allows MH-60S Helicopters to tow electronic arrays through the sea to detect underwater mines. CTC will create a highly-realistic helicopter interior to be used for land-based training of winch operators. After creating the trainer in Johnstown, CTC will manage its installation at Norfolk Naval Station, the site of the training, and provide support for its use there, with work expected to be completed in three years.
“The simulator will offer the tactical feeling of the interior of the aft cabin of the MH-60,” says Greg Breit, Program Manager. “It’s intended to give the operators cross-check training so that they can learn to watch the device in the water outside the helicopter under all conditions while they also monitor the internal instrument screens and mechanical operations and communicate with the flight crew.”
CTC also signed an open contract with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind., covering a variety of special missions programs. The five-year funding envelope for the Crane contract is designed to pay out up to $236 million and contains an initial appropriation of approximately $3 million.
“I am optimistic that amount will grow as CTC earns additional work,” says Alan Hoberney, CTCs Executive Director of Information Technology Solutions and Deputy Program Manager of the project at the Crane center.
Source: Concurrent Technologies Corporation, Dan Winterscheidt, Greg Breit, Alan Hoberney
Writer: Joseph Plummer
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