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Central PA businesses join forces for better electric rates


To aid member businesses affected by the expiration of electric rate caps in 2010, the Harrisburg and Lancaster Chambers of Commerce have launched an Electricity Procurement Program to offer competitive rates.

The post-rate cap period for customers of Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL) begins January 1, but central Pennsylvania companies (except home-based businesses) may sign up for the program immediately, says David Black of the Harrisburg chamber of Commerce and Capital Region Economic Development Corporation.

“Some very large manufacturers will negotiate on their own. We’re focusing on the smaller to mid-sized companies,” he says. He estimates that about 400 firms, or ten percent of the groups’ combined membership, will respond to the offer.

The chambers selected Constellation NewEnergy  of Baltimore as the provider for the program after a search conducted by Utility Solutions, Inc. of Lancaster.

Source: David Black, Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC
Writer: Chris O’Toole

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