The Green Building Alliance will host a summit on creating green, healthy schools at Clarion University on June 19 at 9:00 a.m.
Western Pennsylvania has become a national leader in the green building movement, as new sources of federal and state fundingĀ help schools plan and build green schools. The all-day program will include case studiesĀ from the region.
GBA estimates that over 25 percent of the 60 million U.S. residents who attend or work in schools daily are occupying old, substandard buildings. “We focus on the decision-makers. That’s where the process begins,” says GBA’s Jenna Cramer. “Contractors and architects play a big role in the process too. In responding to requests for proposals, they need to show an understanding of the process.”
Schools that achieve LEED silver certification are eligible for state reimbursement to defray some costs, and other incentives for high performance schools can also reduce costs, Cramer says. The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved $6.4 billion Federal funds for school modernization projects.
Source: Jenna Cramer, Green Building Alliance
Writer: Chris O’Toole
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