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JLG calls back over 550 workers in McConnellsburg for $1.06 billion defense contract

Between 550 and 650 workers will be called back to JLG Industries in McConnellsburg, Fulton County, as parent company Oshkosh Corporation embarks on a $1.06 billion Department of Defense contract for over 2,200 armored vehicles.

McConnellsburg workers will make the cabs for Oshkosh’s mine-resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain vehicle, or M-ATVs, to be used by U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

“The callback is already underway, with workers being called back through September,” says JLG spokesman Jeff Ford. “We’ll be producing cabs and some full vehicles at McConnellsburg, focused between there and the Oshkosh defense line.”

Delivery of the 2,220 vehicles is scheduled for December. Oshkosh Defense will deliver 1,700 additional M-ATVs to the U.S. armed forces by February 2010.

Source: Jeff Ford
Writer: Chris O’Toole

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