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PA ranks 2nd in wind energy

Pennsylvania’s alternative energy capacity continues to grow rapidly. A national report says the state’s growth growth in wind energy generation was exceeded only by Arizona in the third quarter of 2008.

The report by the American Wind Energy Association, or AWEA, showed Pennsylvania ranking second nationally for the second consecutive quarter. Pennsylvania saw a 29 percent increase in wind energy generation between July and September last year, bringing capacity to 595 megawatts. That’s far below national leader Texas, which now has nearly 9 GW of wind energy, or ten other states that belong to the “gigawatt club.” But it’s enough electricity to power 178,500 homes.

Two major projects comprised the state’s growth: the 70-megawatt North Allegheny development in Cambria and Blair counties and the 62.5-megawatt Highland Wind Project in Cambria County. Teresa Candori of the state’s Department of Environmental Protection says three more projects are under construction. “Armenia Mountain, in Bradford/Tioga Counties, with a capacity of 100.5 MW, Stony Creek, in Somerset County, with a capacity of 52.5 MW, and Portage, in Cambria County, with a capacity of 70 MW, are expected to come online this year,” she says.

Source: Teresa Candori, DEP
Writer: Chris O’Toole

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