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Oprah and Martha love it! The Neat Company’s scanner and software earns big fans


Not many products can claim the broadcast approval of both Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart–clearly, The Neat Company and its paper-eliminating technology is on to something.

The Philadelphia-based outfit, founded in 2002 by the father-and-son team of Les and Rafi Spero, is increasing the visibility of its hardware and software products that scan, analyze and organize receipts, bills, business cards and more. As a result, the company–also featured on CBS News and on an oft-played TV commercial–is continuing its high double-digit growth of the last several years.

The Neat Company began with the idea to better manage receipts for expense reports. That morphed into a bigger concept–transforming paper-based data into digital information. The company makes scanners, which have received multiple design awards, and software called NeatWorks that helps users create a digital filing cabinet. Information can be found through keyword search and exported to other software applications for backup.

“The end result is that you save time and money and use less paper, which is good for the environment,” says Kevin Garton, the company’s CMO.

The Neat Company’s products (NeatReceipts, NeatDesk and the NeatWorks software) can be purchased at its web site, in many airport kiosks across the nation, as well as from retailers such as on and Staples. The company has received almost $700,000 from Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania since 2003, which has resulted in significant follow-on funding. Next month, The Neat Company will be releasing version 3.0 of its Mac software, which will have updated tax categories and reporting functionality.

Source: Kevin Garton, The Neat Company
Writer; Joe Petrucci

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