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Codima introduces technology recycling program

As the speed of innovation quickens, the world becomes perpetually littered with technologies that have outlived their usefulness. Circuit boards and computer mice whose only crime was lasting too long are crowding landfills, being improperly disposed of and imposing their revenge on the environment. But a Philadelphia network management company is ready to fight for our right to get tired of our old technology way too quickly with a new recycling program. Vengeful tech devices have met their match.

Headquartered in Philadelphia, Codima Inc. has long been a friend to technology, working nationally and internationally on computer systems and VoIP networks. But last week, the company announced its newest arm, Codima Green, offering their North American clients a recycling system for their obsolete office technology. From computers to printers to fax machines, all outdated machines can now be easily disposed of to make way for the next modern office marvel.

“We project that our clients have millions of dollars of electronic scrap and e-waste,” Codima’s CEO Christer Mattsson says. “Codima Green offers an opportunity to them to dispose their e-waste cost effectively and safely.”

One year in the making, Codima Green offers pick-up and complete e-waste disposal. The new division is expected to create a new revenue stream through the capture of precious metals.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, 50 million metric tons of e-waste is produced worldwide every year. In the US alone, non-profit Electronics Takeback Coalition reports that 3 million tons of electronics are discarded each year, though only 16 percent is recycled. Perhaps it is better not to think of Codima as fighting against vengeful technology, but making all that is old new again.

Source: Christer Mattsson, Codima Inc.
Writer: John Steele

Manufacturing, News