These days, you can customize anything. From contact lenses to computer skins to double decaf, non-fat, no foam lattes, the people have spoken: choice is good.
So when CRF Health opened its new warehouse and logistics facility three weeks ago, it didn’t take them long to expand product and solutions offerings to match the varied needs of Pennsylvania clinicians. Collecting and processing various questionnaires and assessments gets very cumbersome without the ease of digital reporting. CRF does the best they can but clinical trials can be as varied, complicated and cumbersome as the diseases they aim to treat. With new offerings like reconditioned equipment, device buyback and recycling services, CRF hopes to attract new, more choosy clients.
“In our client meetings, we were hearing our customers say they were having problems with device management,” says VP of Client Services Jaime Racine. “We put together a program that offers a mixture of services that our clients can choose from depending on which particular issue they are trying to solve for each particular study, as the issues may be different. Now they are in the drivers seat when it comes to making decisions around devices.”
These improved service options start at the new warehouse. With a maximum capacity three times the size of its previous warehouse, CRF can offer management services and device services to more clients and even allow for up to six months of free warehousing for each new study the facility takes on. If choice is good, Racine believes this Lansdale data management firm just got a whole lot better.
Integration of enterprise technology services can also be considered in order to improve customer experience via digital platforms in addition to inventory management. For this, the help of services like Royal Cyber and similar others may be sought. By automating IT tasks, it becomes possible to view patient history in a single pane. The operations time can be cut down, letting clients get the information they need in a hassle-free manner. However, the effectiveness of these services needs to be further studied before full-scale implementation.
“The warehouse has top-of-the-line security and bespoke shipping and receiving areas and it’s just a lot bigger, a lot easier to work around,” says Racine. “We have more room to house our clients’ (device) inventory in between studies so we can make sure that we are managing our clients’ assets and that we are streamlining all our offerings in the most efficient way possible for our clients.”
Source: Jamie Racine, CRF Health
Writer: John Steele