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Emmaus’ Prevention Magazine launches a line of well-tested workout playlists


We all have them: workout playlists. Whether its hair metal or gangsta rap, everybody has that set of songs that gets them moving. But if all the Warrant and Warren G on your iPod can’t get you off the couch this fall, you may want to leave it up to the experts.

Women’s fitness publication Prevention Magazine–headquartered in Emmaus, Lehigh County–has partnered with Power Music Inc. to create a series of workout mixes. Blending popular songs and artists into one long track, these playlists are timed with a certain number of beats per minute to work with the natural heart rate produced by your level of workout. With the musical selections handpicked by editors at Prevention, Power Music’s staff exercise physiologists tested these blended tracks to match the beats per minute on a number of standard workouts, from basic yoga poses to a hard run, creating a modern workout for Prevention’s avid fitness readership.

“As an over-40 exerciser myself, I wanted to make sure this was not just another best-of-the-80s compilation,” says Prevention Brand Editor Marlea Clark. “I loved the 80s when I lived it but we wanted to be sure Jay-Z and Katy Perry were on there. Being the leaders of forty-plus fitness means being modern and current and we wanted to make sure we were providing something fresh.”

The editors of Prevention will be trying out the playlists themselves and providing readers with workout tips and updates via various social media applications like Facebook and Twitter. And as the playlists hit iTunes and Amazon later this month, Marlea and her fellow editors will be following the comments for tips on how to make women’s workouts even better.

“We are really trying to encourage women to workout whatever way we can,” says Clark. “For some, it’s a higher intensity workout but for many women, we hope it’s an entry place, anything to distract them and get them involved. It’s one download, you click it and you go.”

Source: Marlea Clark, Prevention Magazine

Writer: John Steele

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