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Reading-based EnerSys expands with purchase of lithium-ion battery maker


A Reading battery maker recently expanded into the lithium-ion battery business by purchasing a British manufacturer.

At the end of February EnerSys, which has headquarters just north of Reading, announced its acquisition of ABSL Power Solutions, which makes lithium-ion batteries for satellites, underwater vehicles and portable communication systems for militaries around the world. For its part, EnerSys has a diverse product line that includes batteries for industrial equipment, computer systems and many other purposes. The company views its acquisition of ABSL as a way of expanding in to the aerospace and military markets.

Executive VP Richard Zuidema notes that this is by far the first purchase for EnerSys, which has gone through 18 acquisitions since 2000. As a result the company has several other lithium-ion battery divisions that make batteries for sectors including hybrid cars and alternative energy generation.

EnerSys also makes lead-acid and nickel-based batteries. Different types of batteries work well for different purposes, Zuidema says, and EnerSys focuses on finding niches that will best allow its business to grow. He says EnerSys plans to expand ABSL’s current facilities in Colorado, England and Scotland.

Source: Richard Zuidema, EnerSys
Writer: Rebecca VanderMeulen

Manufacturing, News