One of the goals of the Philadelphia Navy Yard-based Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC) is job creation. And they’ve got your jobs right here. GPIC, a consortium includes Pennsylvania State University, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA (BFTP/SEP), the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center, and the Wharton Small Business Development Center, has five available positions spread out among these members.
“This is an early wave,” says Christine Knapp, Manager of Public and Client Relations at GPIC, her own position falling under the auspices of Penn State. “These are jobs that are really conducting the work of GPIC.”
The available positions are a Post-Doctoral Scholar, an Intellectual Property Associate, a Program Director, a Database Analyst, and an Administrative Assistant. Knapp runs down the details. There has not been as much response to the architectural engineering post-doc scholar, as it is a highly specialized position in which the candidate would be assisting in the research and development of building systems.
The Intellectual Property Associate does not need a law degree; rather, says Knapp, the BFTP/SEP based position would take the lead in the commercialization and deployment task area. “One concern is that intellectual property is correctly managed,” says Knapp. “Our companies have sensitive proprietary information, and as they are discovering things and getting them to the marketplace, we need to make sure that people get credit.”
The Program Director is specifically associated with the Small Business Development Center of The Wharton School at Penn. “Each of the members is required to have a full time GPIC staff member, and this would be their liaison,” explains Knapp.
The Database analyst is actually two positions, both at BFTP/SEP. “We are doing a lot of data gathering,” says Knapp. “We’re researching building energy use, consumption and performance.” The analyst would also draw on existing databases, and ultimately the reports would be sent to the Department of Energy. “We want to be sure that the data is getting integrated and all task areas have access,” says Knapp.
Finally, the Administrative Assistant will be working closely with Knapp at the Navy Yard, and ideally should be someone who can handle not only clerical tasks but also logistics, planning events and outreach engagement work. “It would be someone who is interested in moving up and taking on more responsibility,” says Knapp, who expects hundreds of resumes. The GPIC positions will remain posted until filled, which is expected to happen around mid-July, but each position has its own timeline.
Source: Christine Knapp, GPIC
Writer: Sue Spolan
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