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New CEO, new strategy: BuLogics prepares to move, hire and launch a major new initiative


Malvern's BuLogics is growing fast with a new CEO, an imminent move, a shift in strategy and a pilot project that CEO Felicite Moorman promises “will transform us from a boutique firm to a major industry player.”
Moorman was named CEO in December. Her predecessor, Mirka Walczak remains chairman of the board.
Ryan Buchert, Walczak's husband, founded BuLogics in 2003 to design the wireless automation systems that control thermostats, locks, lights, etc. for commercial and residential markets. Without naming names, Moorman says, “we enable Fortune 500 companies to take their ideas to market in a fraction of the time.”
After developing a number of consumer-oriented products, BuLogics decided to focus exclusively on the commercial market. In May 2011, it spun off its consumer products to a new firm, Zonoff.
For the year ahead, Moorman says, BuLogics will focus heavily on a new pilot project aimed at incorporating wireless automation – and increasing efficiency – of heating and cooling of large, multi-family residences, some as big as 10,000 units. Initial tests have resulted in as much as 35% energy savings, bringing a rapid return on investment. With electricity an expensive commodity in some places overseas, the company is working with the state's Office of International Business Development and the China Partnership of Greater Philadelphia to roll out the technology in international markets.
BuLogics is anticipating a move to West Philadelphia to be near Drexel University in the immediate future. The company currently employs 11 and expects to make four new hires – including one that Moorman promises will be high profile – by mid-year.
Source: Felicite Moorman, BuLogics

Writer: Elise Vider

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