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Who knew? IMomentous and Bridgeway Academy are best unknown businesses in America


Back in March, Keystone Edge  reported on a competition to name the best-unknown business in America.
The results are in and the winners are two Pennsylvania companies.

iMomentous  of Horsham is the grand prize winner. The contest judges cited “its mobile solutions that enable companies to connect with job candidates as well as current employees through the 'always-on' convenience of their smartphones and tablets.”
“The ability to reach job seekers on mobile devices provides enterprises with a silver bullet for finding the best possible talent,” added Stephen T. Zarrilli, president and CEO of Safeguard Scientifics  and a contest judge.
Bridgeway Academy in Catasauqua in the Lehigh Valley was named runner up “for its ability to deliver fully customized and accredited home school programs to more than 20,000 families around the world who are seeking freedom in K-12 education.”
Gregory FCA, a large Ardmore-based public relations firm, and Wayne's Safeguard sponsored the contest, which drew more than 50 nominations. “The judges were looking for great companies, with strong prospects of future success, that were under the radar and would benefit from exposure to help build their profile in the marketplaces they serve,” says Greg Matusky, president of Gregory FCA and a judge.
Not only is iMomentous the best-unknown businesses, turns out it is one of the most magnanimous. Matusky explains: “As grand prize winner, iMomentous received a $10,000 check. They opted to receive $10K in public relations consulting services and graciously allowed Bridgeway Academy, the runner-up, to have $30K of PR services.  Originally, the winner was going to receive $40K in PR services but this was their option and choice.”  
Source: Greg Matusky, Gregory FCA
Writer: Elise Vider

Entrepreneurship, News