The last year was full of unexpected challenges, both here in PA and across the globe. In Key Change, our now bi-monthly podcast series, we’re talking about how the state’s businesses, community leaders, and creatives adapted, finding new ways to connect with their customers and their communities. We’re also looking forward into an increasingly hopeful future.
For many, the pandemic changed our relationship to food. We cooked more. (I made my own kombucha! My husband baked sourdough!) We shopped differently. We had a rude awakening staring at empty supermarket shelves and confronting the vulnerability of global food chains.

Last summer, we wrote a story in Keystone Edge about how that moment of reckoning had inspired folks across Pennsylvania to look closer to home — to buy from small farms, sign up for CSA shares, or reorient their purchasing priorities with a new emphasis putting dollars directly into the local economy. While reporting that story, we encountered Harvie, a company out of Pittsburgh that has been working for more than a decade at the intersection of technology and agriculture. As the spring growing season ramps up, we thought this was a perfect moment to get their thoughts on a tumultuous but ultimately fruitful time.
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LEE STABERT is editor in chief of Keystone Edge.