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From Lancaster to Philly: Tri State Indie Tunes Up PA’s Creative Economy


Coldfronts in Tri State Inide's new space at 2100 Dauphin

Coldfronts in Tri State Inide's new space at 2100 Dauphin

The Philadelphia music scene has birthed a multitude of legends, genres and movements, and the new kid in town shining a spotlight on our underground talent is Tri State Indie (TSI). This immersive online network not only hopes to engage local music fans and artists, but also build connections, create jobs and highlight the city's thriving creative community. TSI recently celebrated the opening of a new space in Fishtown. 
An online cultivator and resource, TSI serves as a central network for indie music across the Mid Atlantic Region. Formerly based in Lancaster, co-founders (and newlyweds) Rich McKie and Stephanie Seiple-McKie realized there was something special in Philly when they found themselves constantly making the two hour round trip. Last year, they hosted the inaugural Tri State Indie Awards at World Café Live and sealed their fates as Philadelphians. 
“Lancaster was great to us as far as getting our feet off the ground,” says Seiple-McKie. “But as we progressed as a business, we realized we needed to get to a more centralized place. Philly has more venues, more shows, and if we wanted to expand, we need to move to a place that simply has more to offer.”
The search for a workable multi-use space began in early 2012. TSI finally found a location at 2100 East Dauphin Street, on the border of East Kensington and Fishtown. 
“The neighborhood here is growing and changing so rapidly,” says Seiple-McKie. “People here really care deeply about making this community better. It's important for us to be part of the community where we live and work. We're still up-and-coming as a small business, and so is the neighborhood as a whole; it's kind of cool that we get to grow together.”
TSI showed off its new digs with an HQ-warming party on November 15. They've wasted no time getting involved with the community, even volunteering to maintain the East Kensington Neighborhood Association (EKNA) website. 
The space on East Dauphin is an office, a home and a hub for musicians. TSI films all its Lounge Session segments—casual, informative chats with artists—in a cozy, living room-style space. They also invite touring bands to eat, drink, charge phones, watch a little TV or check their Fantasy Football team. 
“One of our missions from day one has been to create jobs in the music industry [in Philadelphia],” says Seiple-McKie. “As we grow into a more sustainable business, we are looking toward creating jobs on many platforms. Because TSI does so many things, we have opportunities for those who are journalists and photographers, as well as videographers, advertising and PR executives, event and brand marketing representatives, and more.”  
Tri State Indie is also deeply committed to its internship program, employing students from Temple, Drexel and UArts, among others. “Offering internships allows young folks to grow with us and learn our business,” explains Seiple-McKie. “If they're serious about working in the music business and with TSI, we will offer them paid positions and freelance jobs before we search outside the TSI family.” 

Running the company as a family is probably best exhibited through the Tri State Indie Awards, now in it’s second year. The Awards are just as much a networking event as a celebration of the best in the industry.
“Synergy is a priority for us,” explains Seiple-McKie. “Everything TSI is creating and involved in, we try and include other local businesses and media partners. Philly has so much to offer beyond it's music scene, like awesome, unique food, fashion and art. We like to think of ourselves as a catapult for Philly culture as we prove to bands from out of town that Philly is an amazing place to see live shows, eat, shop and acquire new loyal music loving fans.” 
Up next, TSI will be getting into the seasonal spirit with a Lounge Sessions segment called “Home for the Holidays.” Touring bands will stop by the HQ for a home-cooked meal and conversation, all filmed for the consumption of TSI's eager audience. And of course, the 2nd Annual Tri State Indie Awards goes down February 17 at World Café Live.

CARA DONALDSON is program manager for editorial and public relations at Campus Philly, a non-profit that works to attract, engage and retain college talent in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Region: Southeast

Entrepreneurship, Features, Philadelphia