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New Geisinger Institute for Advanced Application to boost health care innovations


Two decades ago, Geisinger Health Systems was an early adopter in the use of electronic medical records. Now Geisinger, which serves more than 2.6 million residents throughout central and northeastern Pennsylvania, is once again fully embracing innovation with the establishment of its new Geisinger Institute for Advanced Application (GIAA).  
GIAA, “an ambitious endeavor,” says its director, Dr. Gregory Moore, will conduct research and development across a range of disciplines, all with the goal of improving the quality and reducing the cost of health care.
The institute is comprised of three components. The Center for Healthcare Re-engineering is focused on introducing industrial and systems engineering concepts to health care. The Center for Emerging Technology and Informatics is “very future focused” in its work, which involves use of gadgets, human interface (how does a technology work for a sick or elderly patient?), novel data streams and more.  The Center for Clinical Innovations is studying health care of large populations, patient and family engagement and health care systems technology.
Some of this work has been underway at various Geisinger campuses; other aspects such as the emerging technologies/informatics piece are new. All of the centers will eventually be consolidated at a single location. Moore is actively searching for a facility – an old warehouse or school would be ideal, “to create a think tank atmosphere” – within 25 miles of Geisinger's Danville headquarters and hopes to be settled within a year. The spread-out institute currently has about 30 staffers; Moore expects to recruit another dozen in the next 18 months.
As its new models, applications and technologies are ready, GIAA will actively pursue commercialization. Moore sees potential early wins in data and informatics and clinical innovations.  GIAA also hosts a streamlined portal for outside companies to pursue technology trials at Geisinger.
Source: Dr. Gregory Moore, Geisinger Institute of Advanced Application

Writer: Elise Vider

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