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Reading’s Smartz Studios launches its first cultural education app


Reading's Smartz Studios has released its first app and it’s close to los corzones of founders Leo and Al Martinez and Paula Calvo. The family members are all Colombian natives, and the app, called Ty Tunes: Colombia, is designed to teach young children about Colombian culture.  

Al Martinez, a graphic artist, immigrated to the United States from Colombia in 1998. His brother, Leo, a software developer, followed in 2012; Paula Calvo came in 2013. Ty Tunes emerged from Paula and Leo’s desire to teach their five-year-old son, Sebastian, more about his Colombian culture.

“After searching for similar educational apps with no success, we were determined to start a software development company that specializes in cultural digital toys,” explains Calvo. 
Ty Tunes: Colombia, the first in an intended series, is designed for children between the ages of four and seven. They interact with the app’s main character, Pablo, feeding him Colombian foods, dressing him in Colombian costumes, and helping him play Colombian music using instruments representative of the country. 

The digital toy can toggle back and forth between English and Spanish to teach children in their preferred language. The app also has an educational section for parents. 

“The digital toys that Smartz Studios are working to create aren’t just for first-generation immigrants,” insists Calvo, but are learning tools to teach about other cultures and embracing diversity.

The app is currently available on Android devices and is expected to be available on Apple products by the fall. Smartz Studios plans to develop more apps about other cultures around the world and should issue its next release by the end of the year. 

Source: Paula Calvo, Smartz Studios
Writer: Elise Vider

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