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State’s largest wind farm breaks ground in Tioga and Bradford Counties


The state’s largest wind farm project is finally underway in Tioga and Bradford Counties. The 67 wind turbines atop Armenia Mountain will supply enough power for 47,000 homes in northcentral Pennsylvania.

The project, developed by AES, a global power company with generation and distribution businesses, had originally called for 124 turbines. Even at its present size, however, it is the largest wind farm in the state to date.
The company closed a $221 million long-term financing of the 101 MW project in July.

“Phase one constructoin is underway,” says AES spokesperson Meghan Dotter. “Roads are being constructed and turbines are being erected. There are about 200 workers onsite now.”

Dotter said that General Electric will hire additional workers when the site becomes operational in December.  

Source: Meghan Dotter
Writer: Chris O’Toole

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