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Downingtown’s Bolt On Technology automates auto shops


While teaching adult computer classes in the late 90s, Mike Risich got an education in just how badly the automotive repair industry needed technology when a student with a repair shop asked for help. 

“This has been an industry that relies on pen and pencil,” explains Risich. With a background in software development, he set out to digitize operations and make independent shop owners more efficient and more profitable. 

Risich worked nights and weekends on his fledgling venture before launching Bolt On Technology in 2008. Today, the Downingtown company offers more than a dozen tech solutions aimed at the auto repair industry. 

Its best seller is the Mobile Manager Pro, which does everything from scanning vehicle identification numbers (VIN) to recording and sharing multi-point inspection notes, estimates, service recommendations, photos, invoices and scheduled appointments. According to Risich, back in the day, just getting the 17-alpha-numeric-character VIN code accurately recorded from a mechanic’s handwritten scratches was a feat.

And every vehicle owner knows how easy it is to disregard those little oil-change-reminder stickers on the windshield. Lube Sticker Pro determines future appointments based on driving habits, the type of oil used and other factors, and schedules them in the shop’s point-of-sale system. Customers get automated text alerts reminding them of appointments.

Snap-on, the toolmaking giant, licensed three of Bolt On’s software products in 2011, a major step for the company, which continues to grow. New products under development include one that generates custom coupons (in the way that groceries do) and another than uses EZPass-type technology to track the efficiency of equipment and workers. 

Only two years ago, Bolt On consisted of Risich and two employees. Now the company has expanded its office from 1,600-square-feet to more than 4,000 and employs 13 people. He expects to have a crew of 20 by year's end as Bolt On ramps up internal sales with advertising and a heavy presence at trade shows nationally.

Source: Mike Risich, Bolt On Technology
Writer: Elise Vider


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