As a fourth-generation veteran of the U.S. Army, Bryan Lentz, the democratic state represenative for the 161st district in Delaware County, was approached recently by a national veteran’s group organizing ex-military from all generations to advocate for clean energy legislation at the federal and state level. The link between national security and the nation’s energy policy, Lentz says, is an issue that has become a priority for veterans.
Lentz has brought that priority home to Southeastern PA. He organized the Clean Energy Summit, held today at Delaware County Community College in Media. The summit will include panelists from clean technology companies like Iberdola Renewables and New Way Airbearings, the Delaware Valley Industrial Resouce Center, and the local electrical workers union.
“We’re very fortunate in Delaware County, we have a good start,” says Lentz. “We have some good local resources and a lot of local interest, including a lot of smaller businesses starting up in the solar, insulation and energy auditing businesses.”
The summit also included a tour of the community college’s Advanced Technology Center, which opened as part of the first phase of the school’s $60 million STEM Complex and will help students sharpen their skills and expand their knowledge base to meet the demands of the 21st century job market.
Lentz belives House Bill 80, which would increase the percentage of clean energy the state must produce and create incentives for carbon capture technology that makes burning coal cleaner, is further proof of the state’s commitment for federal clean energy dollars and job creation.
“Protecting the environment, creating jobs and reducing our dependence on foreign soures of energy are pretty much universally popular,” says Lentz. “Not everyone is as educated on what that means and how legislation can impact that. I’m hoping the summit will take people already motivated on the concept and make them individual advocates for this type of policy.”
Source: Bryan Lentz, PA House of Representatives
Writer: Joe Petrucci