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Innovations wanted: Contest offers $75K for shale gas ideas and advances


With Pennsylvania on the fast track to being the second leading natural gas producing state, the push is on for innovation. Now the Ben Franklin Shale Gas Innovation and Commercialization Center is offering a total of $75,000 in cash prizes for three gas-related innovations, new product ideas or service concepts that are either in development or recently launched.
“Innovations result in decreased costs, increased efficiencies and greater environmental protection.  As Pennsylvania continues to be a leader in shale gas production, we will continue on a path to be the 'state of innovation' as well,” says Bill Hall, the center's director.
For the 2013 Shale Gas Innovation Contest “any idea related to the shale gas space is eligible,” Hall says. Examples include vehicle conversion, natural gas utilization products/services, remote site monitoring, natural gas or NGL conversion technologies and water remediation for fracking operations. “The contest is a unique vehicle for getting emerging technologies exposure to a wide range of industry providers/customers,” he adds.
Meanwhile, the 2012 contest winners are moving steadily ahead, Hall reports. The Larson Transportation Institute at Penn State has nearly completed testing and development of a dual fuel NG conversion technology for heavy-duty large diesel engines. And State College's Polymics is almost ready to test a prototype of its lightweight, reusable, leak-proof system intended to contain mud and fluids during pad construction. Hall says that several energy companies are interested in a demonstration project at a drilling site. 
The application deadline for the 2013 contest is February 1.
Source: Bill Hall, Shale Gas Innovation & Commercialization Center
Writer: Elise Vider

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