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Speed dating for Erie entrepreneurs


Call it speed dating for business hustlers.

Erie-area entrepreneurs hustling for resources to jump-start their business ideas will meet the experts at a workshop at the Erie Technology Incubator August 29. “Opportunity Knocks”  offers 15-minute interviews with experts who, in “American Idol” fashion, will listen and give honest opinions on the ideas they hear.

“This is not a seminar. This is just fifteen minutes to come in and meet with one of nine teams,” says Erie Technology Incubator director Russ Combs. “They pitch their idea, and the professionals will do a quick evaluation of their concept and then guide them to who they need to speak to next. I’ve done this before across the country, and it’s a lot of fun.”

Reps from Ben Franklin Technology Partners, the SBDC at Gannon University, the Erie Tech Incubator, ebizITPA and others will be on hand at the program, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Erie Technology Incubator. Registration is free.

The program is hosted by the Erie Technology Incubator and sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Gannon University, the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership, and Pennsylvania’s  Small Business Development Centers and the Department of Community and Economic Development.

Source: Russ Combs
Writer: Chris O’Toole

Entrepreneurship, News