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Fragrance and flavor manufacturer in Poconos one of America’s fastest-growing companies


Have you ever wondered what secret ingredient gives your new cologne that distinctive smell? Its manufacturer probably doesn't want you to know that the source of that aroma might be a specialized factory in the Poconos.

Vigon International, based in East Stroudsburg, makes more than 1,800 formulations including natural and artificial flavorings, fragrances, essential oils and botanical extracts. They end up in products like soda, perfume and candles, although Vigon's involvement is behind the scenes. As company President Steve Somers explains, the companies that make candles and soda want customers to think that a new flavor or smell came entirely from the manufacturer whose name is on the label.

Vigon's business has grown an impressive 55 percent over the last three years, which Somers says is much higher than the single-digit annual growth that's standard in the industry. That success has landed Vigon the No. 3341 spot on Inc. magazine's latest list of America's 5,000 fastest-growing companies.

Somers credits his 62 employees with Vigon's success. He says the team is always looking for cutting-edge ways to run the business, such as placing the voluminous documents customers need on the Vigon website rather than relying on email or fax machines. “We're essentially paperless,” he says. Each item in the company's inventory is also bar-coded so it's easy to keep track of.

Vigon has recently entered the market for active ingredients in sunscreen, makeup and other cosmetic products. This was a natural progression from the rest of its product line, Somers says.

Source: Steve Somers, Vigon International
Writer: Rebecca VanderMeulen

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