Founder Profile: Cristin Powers
GreenBeing is a trailblazer in Scranton for sustainable fashions and accessories.
GreenBeing is a trailblazer in Scranton for sustainable fashions and accessories.
She's much more than a 20-something entrepreneur in Scranton. Powers is helping nurture the local sustainability and arts communities through her vintage clothing shop.
Drexel's student- run record label combines the music-first approach of an indie label with the staffing of a corporate label, giving musicians and music lovers a very real-world sound.
Only Alaska has more streams than us. Environmental concerns and public health are at the heart of a broad swath of innovation, entrepreneurship and new technology focused on water.
The professor, along with a trio of IUP students, is helping shine a light on the many untold contributions of black soldiers to the Civil War through a virtual reality tool and old-fashioned re-enactment.