ElectNext, like eHarmony for voters, part of DreamIt's Comcast minority entrepreneur accelerator
ElectNext is a DreamIt Ventures company that matches citizens with candidates.
ElectNext is a DreamIt Ventures company that matches citizens with candidates.
Many of us have read news reports about elderly men and women, often suffering from dementia, who turn up missing after wandering away from home. It's a frightening occurrence that one State College company hopes to prevent in senior-care facilities.
It doesn't look or feel like a school, which is why this project-based learning experiment at the Navy Yard is already making a big impact on a diverse group of South Philly teens.
When Jen Blodgett returned to Pittsburgh, she bought and renovated a three-story building on First Ave., turning it into very cool space for her spa and above, a great space to live.
A mere 0.03 percent of PA businesses accounted for more than 24,000 new jobs from 2004-09. Meet Pennsylvania's most dynamic and innovative companies.
Whether it's teaching English in South Korea or going on tour with a punk rock band, a gap-year experience should mean something to you and potential employers.
This muralist with a penchant for depicting all things Erie talks about civic pride, the art and importance of large-scale paintings, and what to do when the heat is literally on.
Pulse Motors, the third and most promising startup for 22 year-old Lebanon County native Micah Toll, could be a regular part of Pitt campus life by the spring.
Closing a wound after surgery is far more complicated than just gluing all the leftover pieces back together. But now European doctors have a new tool for certain types of surgeries � a surgical glue developed by a Pittsburgh company.
Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association, the organization that staged the 3 Rivers Venture Fair that was held last week at the Lexus Club at PNC Park in Pittsburgh.