Most analysts say plug-in hybrid vehicles are likely still five to seven years away from significant production, but International Batteries is already positioning itself to be a major supplier of power for those cars.
A study released last week by The Manufacturing Institute reveals that while 71 percent of respondents view manufacturing as a national priority, but only 17 percent named manufacturing as among their top two industry choices to start a career.
The Green Building Alliance offers a program on how to design, fund, and build green schools in Pennsylvania.
Erie's Gannon University trains health profession majors in an interdisciplinary setting.
Harrisburg and Lancaster Chambers of Commerce offer members competitive electric rates through agreement with Constellation NewEnergy.
National Cyber-Forensics Training Alliance, NCFTA, is a non-profit that flies under the radar as it fights cyber crime in tandem with international private industry, law enforcement officials and academia.
How a community garden project in Pittsburgh's East Liberty neighborhood has brought together nonprofit groups, a local private school and a nearby Whole Foods
Michael O'Halloran is out of space. His diminutive Old City BYOB, Bistro 7 is cozy and intimate (for diners) but challengingly short on elbow room for the chef and his sole line cook.
AnySource Media CEO Mike Harris wants to bring Internet video to HDTV, and his Malvern-based startup has built a software platform that does just that.