The Acadia is a new green technology for residential heating and cooling. It outperforms conventional fossil fuel-based heating systems, such as natural gas, by up to 300 percent.
Ten promising companies will be setting up shop at a "green business incubator" in Philadelphia's Navy Yard this summer in hopes of attracting investors with the help of GoodCompany Ventures.
The Chesterbrook-based subsidiary of European communications leader United Internet Group is developing a free Webmail service that it believes can change how people interact with their email in the U.S.
Sufferers of obstructive sleep apnea may finally get a good night�s sleep with the industry�s first all-cloth mask developed by Pittsburgh-based startup Circadiance.
The creative class has been coming in droves to Fishtown, the working-class neighborhood on the doorstop of Center City Philadelphia, but it hasn't had a large-scale place to conduct business.
As research universities across the Commonwealth focus more resources on innovation and industries, they're getting savvy about how to turn laboratory and classroom ideas into cutting-edge technology companies.
Soon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, "Wall Street West" (WSW) was conceived to establish a strategic financial services and information technology backup in areas between 50-125 miles from Manhattan.
UPenn's Information Portability Project aims to change that by designing innovative digital devices that will enable caseworkers to view and update files remotely, take and upload photos and video.