Penn Medicine�s Ruth and Raymond Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine will put researchers and physicians of various disciplines in the same building in an innovative effort to produce state-of-the-art health care.
A survey of the U.S. Patent Office's list of assignments of patents to Pennsylvanians during the month of September reveals a state of invention that would make Benjamin Franklin proud.
Pittsburgh-based Highmark Inc., a provider of health insurance to about 4.6 million Pennsylvanians, ranked third in an annual list of the nation�s top 500 innovators of information technology
Two early stage technology companies, two established manufacturers, and eight business incubators are getting a shot in the arm from the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Keystone Nano Inc., a biotech company located near State College, is planning to add three to six PhD-level jobs as it prepares to commercialize a new nano-particle technology that will be used for enhanced cancer therapies
Tech-minded entrepreneurs are on notice: The Ben Franklin Investment Forum will award $100,000 to a technology-oriented startup company that wants to bring an innovative process or product to market