Scranton incubator powers entrepreneurs
Scranton Enterprise Center director Kristine Augustine spends a lot of time with people hoping to open a small deli, coffee shop or other typical mom-and-pop operations.
Scranton Enterprise Center director Kristine Augustine spends a lot of time with people hoping to open a small deli, coffee shop or other typical mom-and-pop operations.
While angel investors and the venture capital sector are tightly wound, organized and highly identifiable, seed funding is viewed as the Jan Brady of business investment.
The Women and Money Project isn't window-dressing for the PA Treasury Department. It's a program near and dear to those involved in implementing it and has considerable credibility as a result.
The University City Science Center, the first and largest urban research park in the country, has grown alongside the companies it has nurtured since 1963. Good thing, too, as those companies are needing more and more space.
Capital, innovation and entrepreneurship. They are, admittedly, the three elements that drive RoseAnn Rosenthal, president and CEO of Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
It doesn't take Ron Burns, CEO and founder of ProtonMedia in Lansdale, to start talking about the "death of distance," a concept academics have debated for more than a decade.
Upon first glance, it would appear the trio of health care executives who started the life sciences private equity firm Blood, Sweat and Capital, are fans of jazz-rock stalwarts Blood, Sweat and Tears.
Steve Forbes, chairman and CEO of Forbes Media, will deliver the keynote address at the 3 Rivers Venture Fair in Pittsburgh on Sept. 16.
The green workforce is still in its infancy, but Pennsylvania has already hit its growth spurt, and many believe it could last for decades.
EyeIC's MatchedFlicker technology is a specialized software tool that animates two retinal images taken at different times from the same patient so eye doctors can see and document any changes.