Five great neighborhoods for Pittsburgh twenty-somethings
According to recent census data, Pittsburgh is getting younger. Here are the neighborhoods millenials are calling home.
According to recent census data, Pittsburgh is getting younger. Here are the neighborhoods millenials are calling home.
TextGen, a Willow Grove startup, developed a cloud-based application that text-enables business landlines, allowing companies to respond in real time to customer inquiries.
Philly's Shenandoah Studio grows with mobile gaming.
Pittsburgh's Astrobotic Technology is preparing to launch a mission to the moon on October 16, 2015.
With the success of its Valley View Business Park and Jessup Small Business Center, the Scranton Lackawanna Industrial Building Company is ready to move ahead with development a new 23-acre professional plaza.
This essential industry remains an integral part of Pennsylvania's economy. Meet five people working to move manufacturing into the future.
Units in this Philadelphia project are finally up for sale; thanks to an innovative partnership, some of the development has been reserved as affordable housing.
Thanks to hard work in 2013, counties in Northeast Pennsylvania held on to or added almost 1,000 jobs.
This Northeastern PA entrepreneur wanted to work for himself, so he found a niche in the energy industry.
New facilities, company expansions, attraction and retention of companies and startups -- 302 economic development deals altogether -- point towards growth in the Pittsburgh region.