Starting in telemarketing and now firmly planted in the energy sector, this CEO of a Pittsburgh-based company that helps building owners and managers run their facilities more efficiently is well-positioned to continue explosive growth.
350Green, which designs and runs networks of electric vehicle charging stations, is preparing to build a total of 66 of these stations in Pennsylvania. At least in the beginning they will be in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and surrounding areas.
While the latest U.S. Census figures weren't very enlightening for Greater Pittsburgh, an annual report issued Wednesday on the region's economy shows significant recovery with manufacturing, jobs and several sectors on the upswing.
ZeroTruck makes vehicles with a lithium ion battery pack instead of a standard internal combustion engine. The company is targeting those who use medium-sized trucks, like utilities, delivery companies and municipal customers.
Pittsburgh has come a long way in the last 30 years, and a new report from Pittsburgh Today aims to spark civic dialogue by benchmarking the 22-county region against other cities according to a variety of data.
A survey being conducted as part of the Erie Inland Port initiative has revealed some surprising findings -- like the fact that regional businesses are more likely to use the port in Baltimore than the one in Erie.
As CEO of a company that helps counterparts in the power industry streamline operations, he has made some of the biggest names in the country his clients--as well as pioneered an innovative application that gives renewable energy a big boost.