Q and A: Michelle Feldman, Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
She has been helping clean up a historic, beloved part of the city for years, and now is leading the charge to reduce litter and waste and spur community improvement across Philadelphia.
She has been helping clean up a historic, beloved part of the city for years, and now is leading the charge to reduce litter and waste and spur community improvement across Philadelphia.
A conversation with Philadelphia's elder statesman of entrepreneurship -- and one of the city's greatest cheerleaders.
In three years, the digital incubator housed in Philadelphia's largest media hub has drawn $7 million in investment and created 50 jobs.
A devastating fire -- and bungled demolition -- led to tough times for a West Philly greasy spoon. Then the neighborhood got involved.
A $384,000 grant from the state's Discovered and Developedin PA program was the highlight of the second Grassroots Game Conference.
With arts education continually on the chopping block, this innovative, interactive, interdisciplinary program teaches youth about the building blocks of music -- and allows them to join in on the fun.
Friday's closing reception marked an unlikely but artfully powerful way to engage middle-school girls in STEM.
See how social media, technology and entrepreneurship are transforming media in Pennsylvania and beyond.
With an innovative jobs-first, soft skills-centric approach to training, the West Philadelphia Skills Initiative is placing people in jobs, and keeping them there.
The 9th DesignPhiladelphia festival runs October 10-18, with 120 events emphasizing why design matters.