New Life for Old Buildings: Adaptive Reuse in Pittsburgh
The re-purposing of older properties is cheaper than new development, with easier financing, and usually results in superior projects, from theaters to schools to hospitals.
The re-purposing of older properties is cheaper than new development, with easier financing, and usually results in superior projects, from theaters to schools to hospitals.
Between 1959 and 1979, the Pittsburgh neighborhood went from 579 businesses to 98. Now they've got national retailers, small local merchants, coworking and even Google.
More MBAs are starting businesses, and there are plenty in Pennsylvania who enter their studies not with a ready-made idea, but on the hunt for a fix.
The post-digital design firm's first trip to Austin was memorable, drinking in some 40 nightly parties and putting on a popular panel on its mind-controlled concept bike.
Who says you can't grow a startup in Pittsburgh with top-tier VC funding from elsewhere? Meet Flashgroup, and the two Carnegie Mellon computer science profs behind it.
Not cold enough for a Polar Bear Plunge? Try going dumpster diving with these brave and passionate environmental advocates.
Dressed in CDs, newspapers, tissue boxes, tea boxes and rain boots, designers and models strutted their sustainability on Saturday at Allegheny College.
From the venerable East End brews to the newer and impressive Full Pint beers, here's the guide to local craft beers, from hoppy IPAs to spiced dark ales and more.
The Strip District could use a pharmacy. Mt. Lebanon is in need of a Thai restaurant. Lawrenceville lacks two kinds of essential businesses.
Portuguese startups visiting Pittsburgh last week found the city offers a climate of innovation, partnership and entrepreneurial support that foreign companies can tap into,