How corny: Lancaster County research center develops new hybrid corn variety
Scientists at a research center in Lancaster County develop advanced varieties of corn that thrive in different conditions, and the center itself has been expanding too.
Scientists at a research center in Lancaster County develop advanced varieties of corn that thrive in different conditions, and the center itself has been expanding too.
Penn State University is creating more opportunities for scientists to interact in its newest building. About 300 researchers from the university's Materials Research Institute and Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences will move in this fall.
Ten years after it was named the nation's business incubator of the year, Ben Franklin's TechVentures program is honored as one to watch as it winds down significant expansion in Bethlehem.
Philly's low-cost amenities are among the traits that make it a desirable city in which to live, but patterning the city after Silicon Valley might not be wise, says this fast-rising economist who also plays sax in a local jam band.
Eliminated with budget cuts in 2009, the summer program for promising math and science students could be revived by its many successful alumni, who have already raised $100,000.
Pharmacy Innovations, a custom pharmaceutical company based in western New York, is in the midst of plans to move to a new building near Erie. The company has seven employees at that location and plans to hire another 23 over the next three years.
Developing and discovering new drugs requires time and money. Pittsburgh-based SpectraGenetics is working to address those constraints with a unique, gene-tagging technique.
Over the next five years Penn State will get $27.3 million in federal grant money as part of an effort to speed the time it takes for medical breakthroughs to translate into benefits for patients.
Across PA, colleges and industry groups are ramping up training programs for a variety of future workers, including a growing number of manufacturing and non-scientific positions.
There are many reasons why girls lag behind boys in pursuing STEM-related careers. Erie's Behrend College is among six Penn State branch campuses expanding girls' STEM opportunities.