Ambler med-device firm has life-saving connections for dialysis patients
For dialysis patients, access points�or locations on the body where blood vessels are accessed to remove toxic substances�are a lifeline.
For dialysis patients, access points�or locations on the body where blood vessels are accessed to remove toxic substances�are a lifeline.
A catheter sterilization device wins Erie's PSI Partners $10,000 in Ben Frankin PArtners funding.
Born in Johnstown, Ed Sheehan returned there 20 years ago to start a family and help a young, growing company. Now CEO, Sheehan has helped bring jobs, technology and prestige back to his birthplace.
Millersville University's new Entrepreneurial Leadership Center will lead delegation to Shanghai, developing business ties between local businesses and China and India.
Piezo Resonance Innovations wins funding from Ben Franklin; to begin manufacturing in Q3 2010.
Most four-year institutions of higher education have agreements with community colleges that enable students to transfer some of their credits to the larger schools. Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is taking that a few steps further.
It might be a bit of an understatement to say 2009 was a challenging year. I imagine there are a few who will be celebrating less that a new year is coming and more that this one is ending.
From Hegins to Hershey and hydrogen to healthcare, our list of PA's most compelling companies is as diverse as it is promising. They not only survived the recession, they thrived.
We know many of our story subjects and readers will get a much-deserved opportunity to break away from the office during the next several weeks. As a result, Keystone Edge will take a holiday break from publishing from Dec. 24 through Jan. 13.
In bowling parlance, one could say Lancaster sets 'em up and York knocks 'em down. The rural Central PA strongholds are rapidly outgrowing the hyphen that often connects the sister cities.