Glycotek, an early stage New York biotech company that's developing a drug to treat blot clots, is expanding into a lab space at the Hershey Center for Applied Research.
St. Clair Hospital in Mt. Lebanon will celebrate the grand opening of its new, state-of-the-art emergency department on Dec. 17th, the centerpiece of a hospital-wide effort to improve efficiency and service at the 326-bed facility
Tengion Inc. announced Monday that Dr. Steven Nichtberger, president and CEO, received the Ernst & Young National Entrepreneur Of The Year award in the Emerging Company category.
Southwestern Pennsylvania, Northeastern Ohio economic leaders form new regional alliance for technology investment
A seven-county study published Oct. 24 in Central Penn Business Journal showed salaries for the highest-paying professions in Central Pennsylvania generally increased from 2006 to 2007.
Pittsburgh�s brightest tech stars gathered this month to celebrate 50 of the region�s stellar companies and the 25th anniversary of the Pittsburgh Technology Council.
Keystone Nano Inc., a biotech company located near State College, is planning to add three to six PhD-level jobs as it prepares to commercialize a new nano-particle technology that will be used for enhanced cancer therapies
Two early stage technology companies, two established manufacturers, and eight business incubators are getting a shot in the arm from the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania