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Canadian city to save big with street lights from western PA company


Cities across the country are switching to LED street lighting systems to save money. And over the next several months, many of those lights could come from Ellwood City, northwest of Pittsburgh.

Appalachian Lighting Systems has developed a new kind of LED light that saves customers an average of 75 percent on their energy costs. When the lights go into parking garages that average savings climbs to 80 percent, says Tanya Rings, VP of program operations at Appalachian sister company SSL Energy Solutions.

These new lights come with other features beyond the cost savings. Each can communicate wirelessly with a computer or smart phone, telling utilities exactly how much individual lights use. The system also sends alerts when a light has burned out. Company spokesman Deb Lovig says this is important because most street light systems don't have meters on individual lights.

The wireless communication also allows for control over the lights. “You can set it up to dim at certain times,” Lovig says. “You can set it up to flash at certain times.”

Appalachian developed the lights for the city of Welland, Ontario, about 30 miles from Niagara Falls. Rings explains that Welland was looking for a new street lighting system that would save it 70 percent on energy, which was a challenge because it uses hydroelectricity that is already cost-effective. “If we could make it work in Welland, Ontario, we could make it work anywhere,” Rings says.

Sources: Deb Lovig, Appalachian Lighting Systems; Tanya Rings, SSL Energy Solutions
Writer: Rebecca VanderMeulen

Energy, News
