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The art of science, the science of art meld in new Philly-Harrisburg higher ed partnership


Commercial art was once the province of illustrators and graphic designers. But like so much else, technology has redefined the field to include digital media, web and application design, 3D animation, game creation, medical animation and illustration and more. “Anything with a visual component is commercial art these days,” says Melissa Morgan, president of Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia. 
Founded in 1946 to prepare returning veterans for careers as commercial artists, Hussian has now entered a partnership with Harrisburg University of Science and Technology.  Hussian students, who graduate with an associate degree in specialized technology concentrating in either digital media, graphic design or visual communications, can now complete a bachelor's and even a master's at Harrisburg in science and technology fields including interactive media management, new media design and production.
Besides the advanced degree, Hussian students and alumni will be able to gain exposure to more sophisticated technology and business-oriented marketing at Harrisburg, says Morgan, “so they are better able to market themselves as artists, developers and entrepreneurs.”
“This agreement brings Harrisburg University to Philadelphia and it is a natural fit for both institutions,” added Eric Darr, Harrisburg's interim president in a statement. “The curriculum at both Hussian and Harrisburg University is career focused where students gain practical experience from the outset. The depth of program offerings and the breadth of experiences that we each offer is structured to prepare students for careers and life after graduation.”
Source: Melissa Morgan, Hussian School of Art
Writer: Elise Vider

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