The last year was full of unexpected challenges, both here in PA and across the globe. In this monthly podcast series, we’re talking about how the state’s businesses, community leaders, and creatives adapted, finding new ways to connect with their customers and their communities. We’re also looking forward into an increasingly hopeful future.

With this next guest, it’s impossible to delve into the last year without invoking a roller coaster — we’ve all been riding an emotional one, and might be itching to scream ourselves silly on a real one. Enter Waldameer Park & Water World, a 125-year-old amusement park on the shores of Lake Erie. Let’s hear from Vice President of Operations Brian Gorman about how this local institution (which, parents take note, offers free admission and free parking!) leaned into all the twists and turns 2020 had to offer, and how they’re feeling going into the 2021 season.
Subscribe to Key Change on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, Podcast Addict, Pandora, and Stitcher. LEE STABERT is editor in chief of Keystone Edge.