In a town of 600 that has suffered from unemployment as the local steel industry shriveled, this innovative company is making a big impact. It's providing a valuable service to businesses and greening tiny Modena, and the region.
Mission Critical Partners helps keep the people who keep us safe connected to the devices, information and systems that help them get the job done no matter what kind of unseen foe stands in their way.
While the latest U.S. Census figures weren't very enlightening for Greater Pittsburgh, an annual report issued Wednesday on the region's economy shows significant recovery with manufacturing, jobs and several sectors on the upswing.
The company, which primarily serves medical and electronics industries, grew revenues by nearly 50 percent and expanded its R&D, production capacity and geographic reach.
The arts, entrepreneurship, academia and opportunity are alive again in Reading, where the loss of manufacturing jobs is being overcome through a variety of public and private initiatives.
Center City native Clint Randall's job is entirely devoted to helping connect city planning with public health, putting Greater Philadelphia at the forefront of an important growing trend that can heal what ails us.
A veteran ticketing entrepreneur tabbed by the likes of U2, Phish, Pearl Jam and Faith Hill, Jim McCafferty of Philly's Mann Center for the Performing Arts was honored at the annual INTIX conference last month.
The energy and marketing veteran is focused on demand response innovation from a growing company straddling Silicon Valley and PJM Interconnect territory in Southeastern PA, and time is running out to save money for institutional customers.