Joy Ride: Philadelphia's bike share is coming this spring
When Indego launches, it aims to be one of the most inclusive, progressive and well thought-out bike share programs in the world.
When Indego launches, it aims to be one of the most inclusive, progressive and well thought-out bike share programs in the world.
BioBots, a Philadelphia startup, is developing high-resolution desktop 3-D bioprinters that print living tissue.
A diverse group of Philadelphia students, from artists to foodies to business majors, have launched an innovative food co-op and cafe in the heart of the campus.
Philadelphia's EnviroKure is a growing maker of organic fertilizers.
This Malvern-based company creates innovative skincare products sold directly through physicians.
The Community Connectors program employs a diverse stable of advocates -- from high school students to crossing guards to stay-at-home moms -- to unify and energize neighborhoods across Philadelphia.
A husband-and-wife writer/traveler team have authored a new kind of Philly guidebook.
A new loan for Wash Cycle Laundry isn�t just a way to grow the bottom line -- it�s also a challenge for it to meet major new hiring goals in line with its mission.
The winners of the 2015 Y-Prize competition have harnessed Penn nanotechnology for use in cutting-edge tests of groundwater affected by fracking.
The University of Pennsylvania�s new Penn Center for Innovation has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to foster entrepreneurship and commercialization.