Pittsburgh is the brains of the nation's AV industry
It's been an interesting few years for the autonomous vehicles industry in Steel City, but the sector is poised to grow its status as a pillar of the local economy.
It's been an interesting few years for the autonomous vehicles industry in Steel City, but the sector is poised to grow its status as a pillar of the local economy.
When a small-town brewery was looking to expand, a serendipitous text message set into motion a chain of events, bringing civic leaders and beer-lovers into an exciting alliance.
Pittsburgh artist Ron Donoughe committed months to painting the natural and post-industrial beauty of the Mon Valley. The result of that work is a new book, out this March.
1700 Penn Ave is a drink-local mecca in Pittsburgh. Thanks to creativity and collaboration, the new venture has managed to weather the pandemic and position itself for the future.
With help from Astrobotic's new Manchester headquarters, Steel City is poised for a space boom. The company's lunar lander will launch in 2021.
This year, it's more important than ever to support local small businesses. We've got something for everyone on this list: foodies, pet-lovers, parents, gardeners, and appreciators of beautiful things.
Slinky is an American icon and it's also the ultimate "Made in PA" story, one with twists, turns, drama, and a happy ending for Hollidaysburg.
A wood worker with deep roots in the Mon Valley plots his return, and hopes his businesses can help boost the community.
In a crazy year, companies large and small are leaping into the fray to encourage and facilitate safe voting. From giving employees time off to cast their ballots, to sharing pertinent deadlines, to funding PPE for poll workers, Pennsylvania's business community is working hard to make your voice heard.
Your new favorite hobby is adventurous, affordable, and naturally socially distant. Whether you're simply looking out the front window or planning travel to pad your life list, Pennsylvania is a fascinating place to fall in love with birds, both native and migratory.