Virterras, a company that develops sustainable technologies in the energy, food and water industries, is planning a large state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse in northeastern Pennsylvania.
A diverse group of Philadelphia students, from artists to foodies to business majors, have launched an innovative food co-op and cafe in the heart of the campus.
A new loan for Wash Cycle Laundry isn�t just a way to grow the bottom line -- it�s also a challenge for it to meet major new hiring goals in line with its mission.
Across the state, the humble bicycle is mobilizing efforts to usher in a new era of public transportation. In part three of our series on transit innovation in PA, we navigate the connection between buses, bikes and the commuters who depend on them.
Construction is nearly complete on the Scranton Passive House, which promises to use 80 percent less energy that its more conventional downtown neighbors.
The two entrepreneurs behind the first client at Allentown�s Bridgeworks Enterprise Center are back a quarter-century later with a new venture, LightLab International Allentown.
After outgrowing their rented cheesemaking facilities, Birchrun Hills Farm launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring the production of some of southeast PA's favorite cheeses home.