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Category: BFTP of Northeastern PA
Oct 25

Lesson #5: Make your own luck

Wayne Barz of TechVentures in Bethlehem talks about the eternal struggle between risk and luck -- and how a smart entrepreneur can take control of those essential elements.

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Oct 12

VOICES: Building a better company by taking time off

At Andrew Stanten's Altitude Marketing, partners are required to take a sabbatical every five years. This time, he returned with some essential insights about protecting your venture from overreliance on your persona and skillset, while also placing trust in your team.

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Sep 16

Lesson #4: Don't live in Dilbert's world

In the next installation of our "Incubating Innovation" series, Wayne Barz encourages technology-minded founders to embrace the sales side. For a growing company, building a skilled sales force is at least as important as the ability to develop new products.

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